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Coordinator Spotlight: Emma Sonnier

Writer's picture: Emma SonnierEmma Sonnier

Lafayette native, Emma Sonnier, is a preparator, curator, and visual artist with a Bachelor’s degree in Art History from Loyola University New Orleans. She currently serves as the Visual Arts Assistant and Coordinator at the Acadiana Center for the Arts, where she plays a key role in artwork installation, exhibition coordination, and curating.

In the spring of 2024, Emma began developing ARCHIVES, an exhibition series designed to bring unconventional arts experiences to Acadiana. She is responsible for gathering participating artists, managing the coordination and marketing of the series, and aims to establish ARCHIVES as a biannual event. This initiative is intended to provide up-and-coming creatives with valuable exhibition experience and opportunities for expanding their professional networks.

"What prompted you to start conceptualizing ARCHIVES?"

Emma: "This project is something I have always wanted to execute, but just recently have I found the confidence and motivation to pursue it and give it the full attention it deserves. Working at Acadiana Center for the Arts, I have made so many wonderful connections with amazingly talented artists which has played a crucial role in forming ARCHIVES. When meeting with artists, I kept hearing the same sentiment echoed over and over again: with such a vibrant and established art scene that is overflowing with talent, it is increasingly difficult for emerging creatives to gain the formal exhibition experience needed to advance their careers to the next level. It really bothered me because I would look around and be blown away by some of these artists' work and professionalism just to hear that they are struggling to hang their work in local cafes. So giving formal exhibition and mentorship opportunities to emerging artists was at the forefront of why I began working on establishing this exhibition series. From there, it just took off and I began receiving so much positive feedback which has definitely helped me maintain my motivation to make this exhibition everything that our artists are envisioning."

"I saw that ARCHIVES and partner collective, LoudHouse, hosted a zine making workshop at Acadiana Center for the Arts. It was wonderful seeing so many creatives in one place, socializing and creating side by side. Is that socialization aspect something you would like to continue providing spaces for?"

Emma: "Oh, absolutely! Outlets for creatives to network and just have fun was also a huge part of why I began working on forming this series. I feel like opportunities for building community are a little difficult to find, let alone integrate into, especially for a community that can be very accustomed to their solitude. From working within the arts, I would find events that I thoroughly enjoyed and be shocked to see maybe 5-10 people in attendance. It's hard to find the information we need in the age of the internet and I hope that ARCHIVES can function as a hub for not only hosting events but marketing other events geared towards creatives and art lovers. Not only are these meet ups a great way to introduce new individuals to the arts scene but a great way for artists to find collaborators, mentors, and friends. We definitely plan on hosting more events like the zine making workshop and would love to continue partnering with other local arts organizations!"

"ARCHIVES has a great roster of sponsors. How did the coordinators go about forming those connections and did you run into any significant obstacles?"

Emma: "We just ask! In our brainstorming meetings, we compiled a massive list of all the businesses and individuals with aligning values that we saw sponsoring other art events and began reaching out, sending them sponsorship packets and information about ARCHIVES. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised to get so much positive feedback and support from our sponsors because I didn't expect others to take that risk and support a very newly formed collective. Of course, personal connections are a huge part of this as well. I have definitely had help from my own network and called in a few favors. This whole process has really reinforced the notion that it's always worth it to ask. We have of course run into some roadblocks along the way, roadblocks that we are still dealing with, but I have faith in this endeavor and know that as long as we continue putting in the effort things will pan out.

The main obstacle would have to be funding. ARCHIVES is a group of creatives so budgeting and fundraising is uncomfortably out of our wheelhouse and frustrating to navigate. We just opened the donations page on our website and are hoping to raise funding for exhibition supplies, audio/visual equipment rental fees, marketing costs, and artist compensation. The economy is not the best right now, so we knew going into this that securing the resources to accomplish the exhibition would be challenging but never impossible."

"One last question: Why "Systems" for the inaugural exhibition's theme?"

Emma: "You know, it just kind of popped into my head one night and after asking around for some feedback, it seemed like a concept that was on a lot of people's minds. I guess in this political, economic, and cultural climate, many people are exploring and reimagining all the systems that govern our lives. I don't think I'm alone in this... I know so many people who are in a period of questioning how things are right now, not just with these larger systems we live within, but in their relationships, values, and beliefs. There are so many expectations and restrictions placed upon us so maybe creating work about this topic can be a therapeutic process to help us reevaluate what it is we want or don't want for ourselves, our families, and our community. The theme also offers artists an opportunity to explore the subject matter that can be a tad taboo and difficult to discuss, which is what I believe to be one of the central value of the arts. It's hard to talk to one another about such loaded topics and art can be a very effective way to broach sensitive subjects worth exploring.

"Anything else you'd like to say?"

Emma: "Yes, ticket sales will be opening soon! If you'd like more details on this exhibition, notifications about ticket sales, or to read more about ARCHIVES, please visit our website and subscribe to our mailing list. And I do want to give one more thank you to a few people who have been crucial to the formation of ARCHIVES. A huge thank you to artist and coordinator, Lex R. Thomas, for everything they have done to help with the planning process, Greta Gertsner of LoudHouse for giving me so many amazing tips and pointers, and my mother, Cynthia Sonnier for offering her legal services, time, and support. ARCHIVES would not be what it is without y'all.



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